Konopiska 2022 update
We hope you are all well and that you will soon be able to start racing again if you have not already done so.
As you are aware we had decided that if the World Championship had been held this year we would not have implemented a Nitro limit. The issue would have been discussed at the General Meeting & Election and voted on if required.
We have spoken to FSR Poland and they are able to supply Nitro (in whichever form required) at the 2022 World Championship. We therefore feel that implementing a Nitro limit for the 2022 World Championship is not necessary and it is better to discuss this at the WC meeting with all countries present prior to any decisions being made.
We understand that some countries who did not previously have a license system in place have now been successful in getting this implemented. We would therefore advise that those countries without a current license system look into this and see if it is a possibility.
As previously stated please ensure that you discuss this fully within your countries prior to the WC to enable the meeting to be as productive as possible.
Please can all federations let us know the current status within your country regarding Nitromethane via email to contact.imbra@gmail.com We would like to gain an understanding prior to the meeting at the WC of which countries already have licenses in place, those with any current restrictions and any assumed limitations for the future.
The World Championship Overview Timetable is attached for your reference.
Kind regards
The iMBRA Committee