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iMBRA World Championships 2018- Update

Good Morning Racers,

Plans are well underway for the 2018 iMBRA World Championships in Egletons, France, and we just wanted to share with you some information on how it's all going.

The official invite and registration forms are nearly completed, and will be sent out as soon as we have finalised all organisation with Egletons’ City team. A Meeting is due at the end of October and we will update you as soon as possible.

Accomodation The organisation team are working with all the local hotels and campsites to make sure that there is something for everyone, There is a map of the venue that might help you to make your decision, and there is a list of hotels etc.

For those who only wish to be in a hotel, the closest is IBIS and as far as we know this can be booked from today.

Opposite to the lake is the “Village vacances le Lac”. The Manager has asked that people do not make enquiries or bookings until January 2018. However, you already can have a look on web , but we will you all as soon as books are being taken.

There are also a number of Bed & Breakfast available in and around the town.

Keep an eye out on Facebook and the website for more information and news about the 2018 World Championships.

Best regards to you all.

France iMBRA Team

Dates Reminder for the World Championships will be as follows:

Hydro & Offshore: Monday July 30th- Registration

Monday July 30th to Friday, August 3rd- Training and races

Saturday August 4th- Finals

Sunday August 5th (evening)- iMBRA Open Meeting

Endurance: Monday August 6th- Registration only Monday August 6th to Friday August 10th- Training and races Saturday August 11th (Morning)- Finals

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As an international, worldwide and non-profit making association the iMBRA is dedicated to supporting the development and quality of model boat racing, in all forms. It shall be run by racers, for racers and therefore the objective of the iMBRA is: “To promote internationally, the highest standards in racing and co-operation to achieve common goals.
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