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iMBRA WC Summary from DMF- 17.09.2016


Here a simple overview of where the money comes and goes at the WC 2016.

Incomes from entrees, banquet and camping: € 31401.00

Payed necessary needed for the WC:

BBQ banquet: € 2900

Tents at pontoon plus extra's : €2319

Market stalls : €500,-

Showers and toilets : €2550,-

Big event tent: €2000,-

Electricity Cables and eco toilets : €1175,-

Security: € 1950,-

Power supply: €2100,-

Rental area 2 lakes and camping: €6710,50

First Aid: €1496,25

Balance: € 7700,25

Payed extra's:

Podium( banner ) ,chairs and tables, air castle, cleaning crew toilets, dinner with crew DMF, new bar, engines rescue boat, laptop, stickers registration and flowers. Costs:

€ 2000

Payed lap counting system including extra cables: €2000,-

Our idea of the ins and outs of money:

We could afford us 2 new high quality tents, new lap counting system, engines for rescue boat, air castle, laptops and many more small stuff needed for our club.

And still we got: €3700,25 left on our bank account, which will be used for our hobby and organizing new great events.

We can also say we have an expensive area, as you all know we had to take care of our own electricity and water supply, also there is no facility like a restaurant. We had to make it all by ourselves. We made a good profit from

the catering that helped us saving the money we got left now. We had lots of sponsoring as well, like the materials to build the podium and the pontoon. Also all the diesel for the electricity was sponsored. We could make some great deals for the power supply and the event tent.

We can say it is easily doable to organize a World Championship for IMBRA. Like we said before we have lots of new items for our club left and money left. And we did this with the first WC for IMBRA, it means in the future more competitors will attend and more money will be made for the organizers.

The medals are paid for by IMBRA.

If you need any more information please let us know.

Regards and thanks for this great WC!

DMF crew

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