iMBRA Update- 03.11.2014
iMBRA Membership,
The Application form for Membership to iMBRA will soon be available for any interested countries to complete and return. Once the document is ready if you have any questions please feel free to get in contact with us, and we will help you through it.
In addition to this, if you are considering if you wish to organise an iMBRA World Championship. Please have a look at the resource that was created to help. It was designed to help make it as clear and as easy as possible, showing you how all the fees from entry are to be used by the organisers with no money taken from iMBRA.
iMBRA League 2015 We have had several countries and race organisers confirm that they wish to be a part of the League Championship, and we will be announcing a confirmed list soon.
For any countries/organisers still deciding, or waiting for an AGM or End of year meeting, we wanted to make you aware that there is no additional work for you and all we will require is the confirmed results at the end of the meeting. In addition to this you are free to use your standard rules of competition.
Competition Rules The committee are in the final process of agreeing the competition rules to be used at forthcoming iMBRA World Championships. These rules are an evolution of the rules currently used, that are hopefully simpler to implement and apply. As soon as they are agreed they will be published and available for you all.
Kind regards,
The iMBRA Committee