iMBRA Membership update- 23.01.2015

Fellow racers,
Here is a quick update on some of the countries and organisations that have formally requested the iMBRA membership application form;
USA- NAMBA Bulgaria- Bulgarian Federation of Modelshipsport Germany- FSR FSR-Deutschland Germany- Nauticus Bahamas- Bahamas Bigboystoys RC Gas & Sail Boat Club Latvia- Ship Model Sport Federation of Latvia Poland- Zwizek Sportowy Modelarstwa Wodnego w Pollsce United Kingdom- MPBA Netherlands- ANSF Russia- FSMR Slovenia- ZOTKS New Zealand- NZNA Hong Kong Italy- Federazione Italiana Navimodel Portugal- CMR - Club Multiracing France- Fédération de France de Modélisme Naval Belgium- KFMYCB-FRMYCB Sweden- Swedish Powerboat Association Netherlands- Dutch Modelboat Federation Slovakia- Slovak Model Sports Association Sweden- Swedish ModelBoat Federation (SMBF) Lithuania- Lithuania model boat sport federation (LLMSF) Hungary- Hungarian Association of Modellers
If there are any organisations or federations that are interested in becoming members of iMBRA, please complete the submission form on the MEMBERSHIP page.
Kind regards,
The iMBRA Committee