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iMBRA Membership Update- 01.02.2015

Fellow Racers,

We are pleased to announce the names of those organisations/federations who we are inviting to join iMBRA for the forthcoming year. We hope that all those who will be receiving an email shortly, will be as pleased as we are to have you become a part of our hobbies new start- an organisation run by racers, for racers.

Bulgaria- Bulgarian Federation of Modelshipsport Portugal- Club Multiracing (CMR) Netherlands- Dutch Modeboat Federation (DMF) France- Fédération de France de Modélisme Naval Italy- Federazione Italiana Navimodel Russia- FSMR Belgium - KFMYCB FRMYCB United Kingdom- Model Power Boat Association (MPBA) USA- NAMBA Latvia- Ship Model Sport Federation of Latvia Slovakia- Slovak Model Sports Association Sweden- Swedish ModelBoat Federation (SMBF) Slovenia - ZOTKS Poland- Związek Sportowy Modelarstwa Wodnego w Pollsce

There are other memberships we are aware of that will be delayed in being sent through, and some where we are requesting additional information be for the committee make a decision. However we are all really excited about the future and the 2016 iMBRA World Championships.

The list of member countries will be published on the MEMBERSHIP page, however we remind you that your membership is subject to paying the membership fee and abiding by the general rules.

Kind Regards,

The iMBRA Committee


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As an international, worldwide and non-profit making association the iMBRA is dedicated to supporting the development and quality of model boat racing, in all forms. It shall be run by racers, for racers and therefore the objective of the iMBRA is: “To promote internationally, the highest standards in racing and co-operation to achieve common goals.
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