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iMBRA 2016 WC Update- 11.08.2015

Fellow Racers,

It maybe a few weeks old, but here is a letter from the DMF regarding the iMBRA World Championships in the Netherlands.

Dear committee,

I write you an update about what’s going on lately in the DMF preparation for the WC 2016.

Last Sunday we had another meeting with the main crew of DMF for the World Championship 2016.

We discussed a lot of Items. Here are some things we talked about.

We are looking for a big event tent for at least 400 people. We found some tents in Amsterdam and Utrecht. We have some options. And we can deal with the price. For 2000 to 2500 Euro we can rent a big event tent. In the tent we will have the bar, chairs and tables. We also think about renting beer tables. The banquet will also be in the big tent. We can also open the side walls so you only got the roof of the tent.

We also made deal with the 1st aid/ red cross. There will be 2 people on the event area during the whole WC. They will also have all the equipment for emergencies. This will cost us 1200 euro, but in our eyes its very important.

About the banquet: we looked at some options, we want it to be simple but with enough food and good fun. so we think about a big BBQ, that will be organized by a company. After the banquet we will have a music party. The banquet can be in the middle of the WC. between H/O and V week.

Then we found a Sponsor for the materials we need to make a very good pontoon with extra step for the judges. So this will cost us no money only work.

We also have for free from our city the gates we need to make paths and for safety for the racers and public. thanks to my brother in law that have a good position in the board of the city. So we have a lot of support from there.

Our idea is to start with H and O.

Then there is a question to the iMBRA: What do you prefer ? we can work with our lap counting system, with live results either. But we don’t have the people to be on the computer for 10 days. I can program the whole WC before but I can’t be there the whole time because I am also busy in organisation. So is there a possibility we find people that can work also with this system ? or do you prefer to ask a country to take totally responsibility for the lap counting system ?

We arranged to have 2 rescue boats ( 1 spare ) and 2 rescue boat engines. So when we have a crash into the rescue we can immediately take the spare one.

We have the same buoys as always. only this time we will mark them for the WC.

Then we are going to make a big Podium for the winners. Same idea as in Dessau. I already asked Phil Fields to make a nice WC logo so we can use this for some items.

We will also have Crew T-shirts and Judge T-shirts in different sizes. But we made the agreement that when you where this Crew shirt you must be available to help as and when jobs need doing.

We made also a system to work with the crew. We have a pyramid. on top is the headboard of DMF and they will be responsible for the event: Mark van Leperen, Jeroen Irving and Evert jr de Ronde.

Then we made groups for the crew:

Camping Crew: Jeroen Irving , Rokus van Leperen , Gerard van Marm Race Lake Crew: Mark van Leperen , Sebastian Bak , Evert jr de Ronde Event tent and Catering Crew: Anja de Ronde , Evert sr de Ronde , Hellen van Marm , Annet van Marm.

This will be the Main Crew, the other members of DMF will volunteer in either groups. But these are the responsible people for that event item.

When we think about camping crew: they will do all stuff that needs to be done on camp side, like filling up the diesel and make it clean and do repairs if necessary.

When we look at the lake crew: they will be on the pontoon and around the lake all time, make sure the safety is there and repair buoys and rescue boat. Or anything that has to do around the lake.

The Catering and event tent crew will be responsible for all that happens in the Event tent. Included Catering and safety.

The rest of the DMF members will get tasks to help in all sectors. We also think about to ask people from other countries that are able to help with small stuff. Thinking off: cleaning and helping in the event tent, helping in Catering or at the lake or camp side. So people can choose in which sector they would like to help so the main Crew can ask them if they need an extra hand.

I am still trying to find a good training lake for free, but of course we can also have training after the races until 20.00.

This was our idea of schedule:

We can start on Monday the 15th with Registration and Training for Hydro/Offshore.

Tuesday: Morning Training and Registration. Afternoon H/O/ evening opening Wednesday: H/O Thursday: H/O Friday: H/O Saturday: Finals/ Banquet/Party Sunday: Training/Registration V Monday: V Tuesday: V Wednesday: V Thursday: V Friday: Finals / End ceremony

So we will have the weekend to clean up.

Let me know what the committee think about this kind of schedule.

This was an update so far.

Sorry for the bad English but it was a quick letter and I am sure you will understand, if not then send me an email.

Regards Evert jr de Ronde in the name of total CREW DMF


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