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International Model Boat Racing Association
By Racers For Racers
News and Information...

iMBRA WC Statement- 22.08.2016
Fellow Racers, iMBRA is happy that so many countries are interested in hosting a World Championship, which shows the strength of the new...

iMBRA WC Update- 17.08.2016
Fellow Racers, The iMBRA committee just wanted to thank everyone that supported the amazing World Championships in the Netherlands. From...

iMBRA Committee Roles and Proposals- 13.06.2016
Fellow Racers, StartFragment Over the past 2 years the iMBRA committee have been working hard to build an organisation with strong...

iMBRA WC Update- 05.06.2016
Fellow Racers, As you will know, we have been exceptionally fortunate to have bought on board some fantastic sponsors for the 2016 World...

iMBRA WC Update- 22.05.2016
Fellow Racers, StartFragment So far we have the World Championship entries from the following countries: Norway Germany Portugal Spain...

2016 iMBRA WC Update- 28.01.2016
Fellow Racers, We are pleased to announce that the official invites to the 2016 iMBRA World Championships have been sent to the iMBRA...

iMBRA WC Update- 26.09.2015
Fellow Racers, As you all know iMBRA was formed as an organisation that is run by racers, for racers. Our aim is to promote our sport...

iMBRA 2018 World Championships- 18.08.2015
Fellow racers, The 2016 iMBRA World Championships in the Netherlands are approaching fast, so we wanted to let our members know about...
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