iMBRA Judging Update- 24.04.2017Fellow Racers, The team in Hungary have been busy preparing for the 2017 European Championships, and we now have some more iMBRA judges....
2017 iMBRA European Championships- 27.03.2017Fellow Racers, Just in case you have not looked at the official invitation, here is all the information from it: Invitation IMBRA...
iMBRA H&O International Events- 22.03.2017Fellow racers, The committee are pleased to confirm that we now have 3 Countries who will be hosting a H&O International race this year....
2017 iMBRA League- 26.01.2017Fellow Racers, It's time to start booking in your International races, and here are the dates you'll be needing. Keep an eye on the...
iMBRA Championship Dates- 21.10.2016Fellow Racers, Here are some great dates for your diaries: iMBRA European Endurance Championships Oroshaza, Hungary 24th to 27th August...
2016 iMBRA League Winners- 13.10.2016Fellow Racers, We are pleased to announce that we have the final results for the 2016 iMBRA League competitions (please go to the 2016...
iMBRA Election Minutes- 26.09.2016Fellow Racers, We are pleased to let you know that the 1st iMBRA Election and Meeting minutes from the meeting held on 07.08.2016, are...