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New iMBRA Webmaster

Hello Racers

I'm Andy Coburn and I've taken on the role of maintaining the website going forward. If you're one of the 661 members of FSR Photos on Facebook, you will have no doubt seen some of my pictures from various UK and International events even if you haven't actually met me. Whether you're happy or not to see your boat flying through the air in a spectacular crash is another story, but I'll keep publishing them!

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Martin Fields for the excellent work he has done building and maintaining the website and to Phill Fields, whose design skills have proven invaluable.

I'm not going to make any changes on here. It works well as it is, I also need to learn the new platform, and generally "If it's not broke....."

See you all in Egletons


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About Us
As an international, worldwide and non-profit making association the iMBRA is dedicated to supporting the development and quality of model boat racing, in all forms. It shall be run by racers, for racers and therefore the objective of the iMBRA is: “To promote internationally, the highest standards in racing and co-operation to achieve common goals.
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